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White House Reports that Russia Has Been Given Several Hundred Iranian Drones For Use To Attack Ukraine.


Jun 11, 2023
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By Chris Muhizi for MCN Sanday June 11/2023.

As to the White House, Russia has obtained hundreds of one-way attack drones that it is employing to attack Ukraine and appears to be strengthening its defense ties with Iran.

The Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, were manufactured in Iran, transported across the Caspian Sea, and then employed by Russian forces against Ukraine, according to the White House, which cited recently disclosed material.

“Russia has been using Iranian UAVs in recent weeks to strike Kyiv and terrorize the Ukrainian population, and the Russia-Iran military partnership appears to be deepening,” said White House spokesman John Kirby in a statement.

This is a comprehensive defensive alliance that is destructive to the Ukraine, Iran’s neighbors, and the global community. We are prepared to do more. We are continuing to use all of the resources at our disposal to reveal and stop these acts, including by sharing information with the public. #Reuters reports

According to Kirby, support between Iran and Russia was reciprocal, with Iran requesting helicopters and radars from Russia valued at billions of dollars.

“Russia has been offering Iran unprecedented defense cooperation, including on missiles, electronics, and air defense,” the speaker said.
The fact that Russia is collaborating with Iran to manufacture Iranian drones that fly worries us as well.

According to Kirby, the United States is aware that Iran is supplying Russia with the materials it needs to construct a drone manufacturing facility, which could be fully operational as early as next year.

In the Alabuga Special Economic Zone of Russia, we are releasing satellite photos of the proposed placement of this UAV production facility, he declared.

In the past, the US imposed sanctions on Iranian military industry executives for selling drones to Russia. Iran has admitted providing drones to Russia, but has previously claimed the deliveries occurred before to the country’s incursion in February. Russian authorities have denied using Iranian drones in Ukraine.

Since August, according to a White House representative, Iran has delivered several hundred drones to Russia.

By Bruce

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