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The Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for issues of sexual violence Pramila Patten is prepared to work with the government to remove the FARDC from the list of sexual crime perpetrators.


Jun 17, 2023
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By Chris muhizi for MCN Saturday June 17/2023.

On Friday, June 16, Pramila Patten, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations charged with the issue of sexual violence committed during times of war, suggested supporting the Congolese government in their efforts to remove their national army forces (FARDC) from the UN’s list of perpetrators of sexual violence.

This suggestion was made by Pramila Patten to Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, vice-prime minister and minister of national defense and combatants, at their meeting in Kinshasa.

In addition, Pramila Patten and Jean-Pierre Bemba discussed the rise in sexual assault cases that have been recently reported in refugee camps in the province of North-Kivu despite efforts made by the government to put an end to it.

In order to investigate the alleged exactions against some FARDC members in Kwamouth (Mai-Ndombe) and Goma (North Kivu), the congolese government established an investigation commission on April 17 of this year, “considering the complaints and reports of various local partners, national and international organizations criticizing the exactions of some members of the FARDC.” without out setting apart the violence committed by the same army individuals in Minembwe South Kivu against the Banyamulenge community from 2017 till recently 2022.

It appears that the FARDC have been listed in the Secrétaire General’s report’s appendix since 2013, and I suggested that more be done to pave the way for the delisting of the FARDC. A Council of Security resolution established a roadmap for moving from listing to delisting; she told the press that this would require work on her side and on the part of the FARDC leadership.

Every time, the Onussian ambassador praised the congolais military’s prior efforts to encourage their soldiers to uphold human rights.

I commended the FARDC’s efforts. But I did want him to keep up the work so that it was in the area of justice. #Okapi radio reports

“I brought up the subject of the security scenario that prevails at and around relocation to him. The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in charge of the issue of sexual violence committed during times of conflict said, “And I’ve pleaded with him to ensure the safety of these women and children who are extremely vulnerable.”

By Bruce

Amakuru yizewe Kandi azira igihe ntahandi wayasanga atari kuri Minembwe Capital News. Tubagezaho Amakuru yomubiyaga bigari ndetse nohirya nohino kw'Isi. Murakaze neza mwese Kuri Minembwe Capital News.

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