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NORTH KIVU: Reported Surging Levels Of Insecurity In The Region By Armed Groups.


Jun 11, 2023
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By Chris Muhizi for MCN Sanday June 11/2023 .

According to local sources, Kasereka Mupira Zephirin, the manager of the Bambo health zone, was shot dead at his home by unidentified armed men on the night of Friday, June 9.

The incident occurred in the Bambo Center, the group’s headquarters, which is under FARDC control and is also where the armed Mai-Mai groups are present.

Additionally, clashes between M23 and the rebel group Mai-Mai who are engaged with the FARDC are common in the Bwito and Bwisha chiefdoms.

This battle continues this Friday, 9 June, in Busanza, in the community of Kabira, near the border with Ouganda.

According to local accounts, M23’s positions were attacked by the FARDC and the Mai-Mai rebels.

“Repeated assaults, robberies, and assassinations are reported on a daily basis without anyone knowing who is to blame or in control of what,” he complained.

These conflicts led to fresh population migrations to Bukombo, Kabizo, and Kitshanga.

A noteworthy in the area indicates that the area is still unstable and that there is a significant flow of weapons through it. It continues that social and economic activities there are essentially paralyzed.

A prominent local official in the area issued an advisory on Saturday, June 10, saying that the security situation has been unstable for the past two weeks in a number of localities on the territory of Rutshuru (Nord-Kivu).

This instability is most clearly seen in the villages where the Maimai rebels, who are being supported by the Congolese national army, are presently residing.

The situation would be worse in the Bwito clan’s Tongo group. The M23 had been attacked by the FARDC numerous times. Despite the ceasefire agreement mandated by the EAC heads of states.

These battles took place, among other places, in the Lubweshi, Shonyi, Kavumu, and Kitwayovu regions.

By Bruce

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