• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Salomon Kalonda Moïse Katumbi Chief Advisor Was Sent To Kinshasa To The Ndolo Military Prison.

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By Chris Muhizi for MCN Sunday June 11th/2023.

Salomon Idi Kalonda, Moise Katumbi’s special advisor and military official, was transferred to the military prison in Ndolo a short time after being detained by the military auditor and after being freed from the military information vault.

According to Radio France International (RFI), the congolais opposing party’s brief audition took place in the presence of their attorneys, who were able to speak with their client for the first time.

It is alleged by the military intelligence agencies, among other things, that he conspired with Rwanda and the M23 to take down President Felix Tshisekedi in order to advance the interests of a Katanga region resident. The other grievances made against him include the illegal detention of firearms and warheads, inciting the military to do acts against their duty and discipline, and endangering the safety of the nation.

To the surprise of his attorneys, Salomon Kalonda was sent to the military jail of Ndolo while awaiting the continuation of the hearing on Monday, June 12th, according to RFI.

Salomon Idi Kalonda so spent his first night in the Ndolo Prison.
The military procurator appointed this Symphony for the Republic cadre with a temporary order.

Since this past Thursday, Salomon Idi Kalonda’s home on Avenue Moero has been taken over. The army vehicles have blocked up all of the roads leading to Salomon Idi Kalonda’s home. No one is allowed to approach the location where this perquisition gets conducted.

“Ensemble pour la République” denounces the search of Moise Katumbi and Salomon Idi Kalonda’s homes as “d’abus de plus et de trop” in a statement read in front of the media on the same day, Thursday, in Kinshasa. The offense committed by Mose Katumbi for which this investigation was conducted is not widely known, according to Dieudonné Bolengetenge. To that end, he calls on the ruling elite to put an end to “provocations.”

By Bruce

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